My Tinkering Workspace

February 23, 2025

After several hours of cleaning my room including my desk I finally feel proud enough to show my tinkering workspace. You can hover over any part of the images to learn more about them.

After several hours of cleaning my room including my desk i finally feel proud enough to show my tinkering workspace. You can hover over any parts of the image to learn more about them.

Descriptive Image
Cabinet containing old salvaged electronics, my old MacBook that I repurposed as a mac mini and many other things.
Lego dump truck (always there ready to distract me)
My (barely alive) aloe vera plant called Thijs
A label printer that I use to ship selfmade and 3D printed items that I sell online.
Drawers containing mostly tools and (Arduino) components.
My latest project: a cnc gantry. Which has turned out to be much more complex than I anticipated :(
Second screen which I use when programming new projects, uni assignments or some incidental gaming

Honorable mention not in the images: a soldering iron. I hardly ever use my own soldering iron as its quite old, but in a last-minute emergency its great to have one. Most often I prefer to solder at the workspace in the Design Lab as it has good ventilation ventilation and all the parts that I could ever need in a circuit board.

As can be seen in the first image I am designing and building a CNC gantry so I can attach tools such as a drag knife, markers, laser and dremmel to engrave and create more things.

I am also still considering getting a Bambulab 3D printer as my ender is getting old, slow and a bit unreliable. I have also been considering purchasing or building a bench power supply to easily power projects during development

Tinkering Domains

For me tinkering is the art of experimenting and inventing physical objects, my projects often interact with a digital components. Thus most of my projects revolve around an Arduino or ESP, such as the smart facemask vending machine, track timing system and the beer counter at our bar.

I usually start a project by building a cardboard prototype, especially when what I am building has a mechanical challenge that I need to solve. For my facemask vending machine I started with a very simple cardboard prototype as can be seen right.

I also really enjoy the soldering and building of circuits for projects.