My assignments for the Mastering Tinkering course:
My assignments for the Mastering Tinkering course:
As a student in high school I struggled with learning how loops worked, once I understood the basics I still struggled with implementing complex loops such as the for loop. Once I correctly understood these loops I could build complex things quicker and create more efficient code.
During the previous lecture we had the opportunity to try out different materials and building kits. We got some time to play with each of the following kits, and I have ranked them in different categories based on my thoughts.
My favorites from this list is still cardboard & hot...
Tinkering for me is about freedom, the freedom of being able to make whatever I think of. So a must requirement for me during this assignment is that the ‘block’ that I am creating must allow the user to build anything. If the current set does not permit it, then...
After several hours of cleaning my room including my desk I finally feel proud enough to show my tinkering workspace. You can hover over any part of the images to learn more about them.
Welcome to my new website! I have revamped my original website and restructured the website to use Jekyll to allow me to easily add new assignments and projects to my portfolio.
In the future I plan to add a Today I learned (TIL) section containing little tricks, hacks and other...